I seriously seriously could not have finished this project alone. I am going to thank a lot of people.
- Jane Couperus
- Daniel Altshuler
- Jordan Perry
- Jessica Ortiz
- Joanna Morris
- Tom Cain
- Jennifer Hamilton
- Uditi Sen
- Kristen Luschen
- Xavier Torres de Janon
- Emily Joyce Nussbaum
- Meghan Runge
- Cassidy Rappaport
- Heather McCann
- Gavin Lofland
- Codecademy
- The Community at Stack Overflow
- The A11Y Project
- The Design Studio for Social Intervention (DS4SI)
- Bekah Anderson
- Tom Howe
- Tim Burbank
- Cara Iacoponi
- Bea Corfman
- Cayla Savitzky
- Hamlet Cooper
- Szal
- Nora Miller
- Riley Kleve
- Ian Chace
- Mason Weiser
- Karina Gruesz
- Brin Soloman
- Natalie Foust
- Yael Politi
- Jen Markey
- "Omen Twitter"
- F. Stewart-Taylor
- Evan Silberman (Extra thanks for providing hosting for the project!)
- Ian McEwan
- Stephen Morton
- Rowan Lupton
- Div 3 Solidarity Group
- Greg McCarthy
- Emily Joyce Nussbaum
- Ben Kiem
- Becky Keller
- Annnnd my parents and grandparents, who put up with my antics and kept supporting my college endeavors even when they were really really unsure what I was studying.